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Markets Greases and Lubricants Moderate Thickening Efficiency and Wear Resistance

Moderate Thickening Efficiency and Wear Resistance

Fluoro GS powders

Fluoro GS powders are made from unsintered, suspension grade Natural Prime PTFE. These products are characterized by the uniform, crystalline structure of PTFE provide increased slip and abrasion properties.

Product Particle Size MV (µm) Specific Gravity Cone Penetration 4-Ball Wear Scar Bulk Density
Fluoro GS 100-RC 3.5 – 6.0 µm 2.15 355 – 430 dmm 300-400 g/l
Fluoro GS 115-RC 4 – 6 µm 2.15 320 – 500 1/10mm 0.55-0.65 300-550 g/l
Fluoro GS 125-RC 10 – 15 µm 2.15 335 – 415 1/10mm 0.55-0.65 300-550 g/l

Thickening Efficiency:

  • Increases as primary particle size (PPS) decreases
  • Increases as Bulk Density decreases
  • Increases with Molecular Weight
    • Using a PTFE with same particle size/density, but much larger MW, may lead to gummy consistency at the same loading in a given grease

Anti-Wear Performance:

  • Particle Size: The Primary Particle Size of the PTFE can affect the wear resistance
    • Depends on contact surface (point, line, plane)
    • Submicron particles better for point/line contacts
    • Larger particles are better for planar contacts
  • Molecular Weight:
    • Lower Molecular weight PTFE imparts better wear resistance performance.
    • A higher molecular weight PTFE results in higher 4 Ball friction force, and a higher likelihood of a slip-stick event. This results in a larger wear scar when compared to a lower molecular weight PTFE.

These products can be added with moderate change to the viscosity of the system. They impart excellent lubricity and wear resistance. Fluoro GS products are used in applications such as chain lubricants, brake applications, food grade grease, and low temperature greases.

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