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FEP (fluorinated ethylene propylene) and PTFE both have high dielectric constants, chemical resistance, and a low coefficient of friction, but unlike PTFE, FEP is a melt processable fluoropolymer.
Product Description
MicroFLON® 77-RC is a FEP micronized powder and is produced to be in compliance with REACH regulatory requirements.
MicroFLON® 77-RC is used in industrial applications cured at high temperatures (ex. PAI, PES, PPS). MicroFLON® 77-RC can be used as a binder for PTFE in solid lubricant coatings.
Features and Benefits
- Release Properties
- Binding Agent
- Gloss Retention
Typical Properties
Regulatory Status
The components of this product are listed on multiple chemical inventories. For specific information on the applicable chemical inventories, please refer to the product SDS. This product complies with the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/784 on PFOA and (EU) 2021/1297 on C9-C14 (per Shamrock QSOP-202E and QSOP-205E).
Safety, Shipping and Handling
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