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Product Description
HydroCER® AE-37EC is a modified carnauba emulsion that provides superior abrasion resistance with a substantial reduction in coefficient of friction all while maintaining excellent clarity and sheen stability in various aqueous coatings and inks. It is especially suited for water based can coating applications.
HydroCER® AE-37EC is recommended for most types of aqueous coatings and inks where, abrasion, rub and scratch resistance and increased slip are required. HydroCER® AE-37EC is formulated utilizing sustainable biobased technology that will yield excellent clarity and superior gloss while providing improved durability and slip. Recommended usage level, 4-8% by weight of total formulation.
Features and Benefits
- Slip
- Abrasion Resistance
- Clarity
- Scratch Resistance
- Rub Resistance
- Sheen Stability
Typical Properties
Regulatory Status
The components of this product are listed on multiple chemical inventories. For specific information on the applicable chemical inventories, please refer to the product SDS.
Safety, Shipping and Handling
Precaution: Keep From Freezing. Mix Well Prior To Use.
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